His journey is his, just like my journey is mine

His journey is his, just like my journey is mine


I will never forget the day I became a mother. I remember holding my baby boy in my hands and thinking, I will raise you to be the most perfect human. I will shape you and protect you from all the pain that life has to offer. I was so young and although life had revealed to me the pain that it can bring, I was still so naive.
As my baby boy started to grow, I quickly realized that he is not mine to shape and mold. I could guide him with a firm and loving hand, but I could never make him be exactly what I had in mind. As my big boys bar mitzvah is approaching I am filled with a sense of pride and fear.
I realize how little is up to me. I pray that Hashem will always protect him and show him the right way, because His journey is his, just like my journey is mine.


Acrylic on clay board.

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