In time, The joy will be complete

In time, The joy will be complete


The children weren’t told to get ready for bed that night.
Instead they were told to put on their nice clothes.
Joyful music replaced their nightly bedtime story.
They each received a crown and a flag.
Sweets were handed out despite the hour.
It’s a celebration the adults told them.
They don’t fully understand the reason for the joy, but they don’t question it either.
The faces surrounding them display deep emotion.
The feeling of joy is palpable, but there’s an undercurrent of deeper feelings present.
Feelings of hope, pain and yearning.
Yearning for the day that this joy gets to be complete.
Because even the wisest men present, don’t fully understand the plan laid out for them.
They just know, they will readily don their nice clothes and join the celebration when that promised hour approaches.

Acrylic on clay board.


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